Saturday 5 May 2012

Homes for sale Morristown

How can you know what projects will fare well for your Homes for sale Morristown? Remodeling Magazine and other like it are a great source of information but there’s another source a little closer to home. Who knows what buyers in your town want better than your local realtor?

Just because you’ve closed on your home doesn’t mean you closed out your relationship with your real estate agent. He can be a big help in deciding what projects will help your home sell when the time comes. Your agent has a direct connection to buyers in your area. He hears every compliment and complaint about each home he shows.

Your agent has a thorough understanding of what buyers expect to see in a particular price point. He can check on nearby properties for sale and recent comps to see how your planned renovation will affect your resale value. He can tell you if you are overspending for your neighborhood or missing the mark with an inexpensive fix.

Talk to your Morristown NJ Realtor before you renovate. You’ll be glad you did when you decide to

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