Wednesday 29 August 2012

Some Very Important People Have Occupied Morristown Real Estate

Morristown had another claim to fame in 2009 when police received calls regarding a UFO seen in the night sky. The incident was staged by Jose Ruby and Chris Russo using lights attached to helium-filled balloons.
Morristown had another claim to fame in 2009 when police received calls regarding a UFO seen in the night sky. The incident was staged by Jose Ruby and Chris Russo using lights attached to helium-filled balloons. Later declared a hoax, reason for its occurrence was given as an effort to prove the unreliability of eye witness testimony. Ironically, the Morristown courthouse is graced by Lady Justice bearing no blindfold.

Named for Lewis Morris, first royal governor of the Province of New Jersey, and affectionately known as "the military capital of the American Revolution," Morristown served as a court martial site for Bennedict Arnold on charges of financial gain from the misappropriation of military supplies.

A shining example of
Morristown real estate is the Dr. Jebez Campbell residence which once sheltered Washington and his wife. Dr. Campbell served as Washington's primary care physician. This home was also the scene for the marriage of Alexander Hamilton. Although never believed to have resided with Dr. Campbell, Thomas Payne was a resident of the town when he penned Common Sense.

Not only was Morristown the birthplace of many sons and daughters who rose to positions of prominence, some who are still living bear household names. Craig Newmark, developer of Craigslist hails from Morristown as does Gene Shalit, upon whom NBC Today viewers depend for best movie advice. Native daughter, marimba virtuoso, Nancy Zaltzman, currently serves on the faculty of Boston Conservatory of Music. Privileged to be the first person to enter the International Space Station, NASA astronaut, Garrett Reisman, was born in Morristown.

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